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There’s incredible music being made in the Welsh language. You're sure to find your new favourite tune!
Mae yna gerddoriaeth anhygoel yn cael ei gwneud yn y Gymraeg. Rydych chi'n sicr o ddod o hyd i'ch hoff dôn newydd!

Cymerwch gip ar rai o'r artistiaid isod a mwynhewch ganu gyda nhw. Cliciwch ar artist o'ch dewis. Os ydych chi'n hoffi'r hyn rydych chi'n ei glywed, beth am chwilio am fwy o'u caneuon?
Take a look at some of the artists below and enjoy a sing-a-long. Click on an artist of your choice. If you like what you hear, why not search for more of their songs?
Welsh Whisperer
Bronwen Lewis
Y Bandana
Gwibdaith Hen Frân
Cerys Matthews
Dafydd Iwan
Rhys Gwynfor
Yws Gwynedd
Alys Williams
Mei Gwynedd
Elin Fflur
Fleur de Lys
Edward H.Dafis
Trystan Llyr Griffiths
Al Lewis
Gallwch ddod o hyd i fwy o ganeuon ar Spotify am ddim. Dyma ychydig o restrau chwarae i chi eu mwynhau.
You can find tunes galore to access for free on Spotify. Here a just a few playlists for you to enjoy.
Hoff ganeuon Seren a Sbarc
Dydd Miwsig Cymru
Caneuon Nadolig

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