Swyddog Cwestiwn
yr Wythnos
Question of the Week Officer
Dw i'n penderfynu ar gwestiwn yr wythnos ac yna'n ei wirio gyda'r Cydlynydd Cymraeg ac aelodau arall y Criw Cymraeg.
Dw i'n cysylltu â'r llysgenhadon digidol i greu fideo 'Cwestiwn yr wythnos'.
Dw i'n modelu'r cwestiwn a sut i ateb gydag athrawon, staff cynorthwyol, staff amser cinio ac ati a'u hannog i ddechrau sgyrsiau gyda phlant gan ddefnyddio'r cwestiwn a gwobrwyo plant am ofyn ac ateb y cwestiwn.
Dw i'n cyflwyno a modelu sut a ble y gellir ei ddefnyddio yn y gwasanaeth Cymraeg.
Dw i'n rhannu fideo 'Cwestiwn yr Wythnos' ar Facebook, Twitter, dosbarth Dosbarth Dojo, Hwb, cylchlythyr a gwefan yr ysgol trwy gysylltu ag ysgrifennydd yr ysgol.
Dw i'n ysgrifennu 'Cwestiwn yr Wythnos' newydd ar y bwrdd graffiti - ac yn annog a helpu plant i ysgrifennu eu hatebion.
Dw i'n annog pawb o amgylch yr ysgol i ddefnyddio cwestiwn yr wythnos trwy gychwyn sgwrs gyda nhw.
Dw i'n gwobrwyo plant a staff gan ddefnyddio cwestiwn yr wythnos trwy roi tocyn iaith neu bwyntiau Dojo.
Dw i'n casglu nifer y pwyntiau 'tocyn iaith' neu Dojo i ddarganfod y disgyblion a dosbarthiadau buddugol.
Dw i'n creu tystysgrifau ar gyfer sêr yr wythnos.
Dw i'n pownso ar bobl ym mhobman i ofyn y cwestiwn gan gynnwys plant a staff!
I decide on the question of the week which is then checked with the Welsh coordinator and other Criw Cymraeg members.
I link with digital ambassadors to create a question of the week video.
I model the question and how to answer with teachers, support staff, lunchtime staff etc and encourage them to begin conversations with children using the question and rewarding children for asking and answering the question.
I introduce and model how and where it can be used in the Welsh assembly.
I share the question of the week video on Facebook, Twitter, school Class Dojo, Hwb, newsletter and school website by liaising with the school secretary.
I write the new question of the week on the ‘Bwrdd Graffiti’ - and encourages and helps children to write their answers.
I encourage everyone around the school to use the question of the week by starting a conversation with them.
I reward children and staff using the question of the week by handing out ‘tocyn iaith’ or Dojo points.
I collect the number of ‘tocyn iaith’ or Dojo points to discover the winning pupils and classes.
I create certificates for the Welsh stars of the week.
I pounce on people everywhere to ask the question including children and staff!
Fy swydd
My job
Dw i'n sicrhau bod plant a staff yn gwella eu Cymraeg trwy ddefnyddio'r 'Cwestiwn yr Wythnos'.
I make sure that children and staff are improving their Welsh by using the 'Cwestiwn yr Wythnos'.